قارئ مانجا عربي is an app for reading manga that offers an extensive catalog filled with this type of content. قارئ مانجا عربي allows you to access lots of different manga and open the manga you've already downloaded and stored on your device's memory.
Read manga however you want
After you choose the manga you want to read, قارئ مانجا عربي offers a fully customizable view of its content. You can read with infinite scrolling or swipe to turn the page, which feels more like holding a comic in your hands. There are also fully customizable backgrounds, so you can adjust your reading experience according to your preferences.
Several different manga sources
When choosing manga available online, قارئ مانجا عربي has shortcuts to several popular sources. Thanks to this, you'll always be able to access the latest updates and enjoy the newest manga whenever you want. To download content, just tap the download button in the lower right corner of the manga in question.
Download قارئ مانجا عربي's APK if you want to read tons of manga in Arabic and take them wherever you go.
Requirements (Latest version)
- Android 5.0 or higher required
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